Two weeks left before the end of my trip, and i didn't want to stay a day longer, my homesickness was further enhanced by me not being able to walk outside because of my ankle. After reading a book on my kindle i became incredibly lazy and bored, which is not a good combination...
In my desire to shorten my stay i have crossed a few days ahead on my calendar so i can think that i have less time left until my journey home.
I thought that the only thing that will cheer me up is another hike. My ankle was starting to feel better, so i decided to go for it. On the 19th at around 4am, me and Kiril packed the bags, lenses and cameras ready, a gallon of water each and a few snacks. Today's hike was going to be on "Hermit's Trail", we caught the bus at 5:00am sharp, no wonder we were the only ones on it. After 30 minutes or so we were at the last stop of the bus- the hermit trail head. We turned our flashlights on and started to look for the beginning of the trail in the hammering wind.
The trail itself was very narrow and it was just rocks 90% of the time, and it was vertical at places with some loose rocks to spice things up. At some point we began to see parts of the trail build by the Anasazi, or that's what the locals say, not much is known about them.
We got to our destination just before sunrise and we split up in search of interesting points of view.
It took us more than 3 hours to say that we took a picture of everything that we wanted and we headed back up, that's when we first saw any sign of life- 2 hikers going the other way ^^.
Compared to the hike on the "Bright Angel Trail" this one was relatively easy, but way more remote, if you get into trouble you are so toast...