Thursday, 5 January 2012


"Bulgaria, for you they died" , i read that somewhere in the internet today, this famous phrase pushed me towards nostalgic thoughts 10 000km from home. The first few days you say to yourself, "its not that different from home", but in the end you know its not true. That piece of land taken from the Byzantine Empire 1330 years ago, soaked with the blood of so many Bulgarians, is unique in every aspect, and i cannot forget it even for a day.
     Many people left on their own accord, others where forced to do that for political reasons. And then there are the people who are saying that nothing can make them go back to our motherland.
     I don't understand that, how is it possible to forget everything that makes you Bulgarian and turn your back on all that you knew and hold dear. I am sure that still, there are people who put Bulgaria above everything, but they are few.

 It is impossible for me to be away for more than 10 days from the place that everybody wants to get away. Bulgaria and my hometown of Sofia, sheltering most of the country and bursting by the seams in its attempt to offer a livelihood to its citizens and "guests".
       For though, that is the place of my childhood, the place where i grew up, where my friends and family are. The pieces of land that give me happiness from their many faults to their astounding beauty.
 As a person who has seen almost the whole of Europe, Russia, and now the States, i can say "Believe me", no other place on earth, no matter how beautiful can be what this place is....Home.

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